Darrah's Portable De-excitation and Crowbar Tester for Static Exciters
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Darrah's Portable De-excitation and Crowbar Tester for Static Exciters
Be confident that your over voltage and safety circuits are protecting your Thyristor Bridges and Generator Field Insulation.
Designed to test solid state crowbar and de-excitation modules.
Used to verify the crowbar and de-excitation voltage protection levels.
• AC input: 120 Volt, 1 Phase, 50/60 Hertz, 18 Amp
• Manually adjustable 0-5000 volt DC output, to initiate operation of de-excitation and crowbar modules, with analog voltmeter and output jacks for remote DVM.
• 100 Amp DC follow through current to verify the module is conducting, measured with analog ammeter.
• Remote safety switch
• Remote 4" red safety strobe
• Rugged wheeled case with handle
• 24"x14"x25"